Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing #10 - Virtual World again

I signed my daughter up for JumpStart's Virtual world and then looked over her shoulder as she began. Not enough clear directions so she didn't get to actually dress/change her Jumpee (avatar) as she clicked on the wrong arrow which just took her into the world. It was a little frustrating trying to figure out what to do and sometimes we just didn't but then she landed in something that she was able to do and eventually found a way to change her Jumpee and dress it, make it blond, etc. She spent about 1.5 hours and I'm sure she'd enter again. They definitely would like you to become a member but aren't very public about what that entails and I have yet to click to find out. JumpStart supposedly uses skills to ready kids for preschool and my daughter is approaching 1st grade so it was not difficult once she understood how to move and do what was being asked. This was not a virtual world where she interacted with others.

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