Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing #5 - Microblogging

I can't keep up with all the new terms! I joined Facebook after I moved north and it has been a good way to keep up, albeit superficially, with friends and colleagues from Texas, stray friends from the rest of my life and even a few stray relatives. I have been contacted by my High School whose Alumnae office has a Facebook presence as well as a summer camp planning a reunion for families in the fall. It's not just for college students anymore. I still don't post a status often and it's usually about the weather. Guess I'm not a sharer. I would certainly set up a page for a high school. Facebookers are supposed to be 13 and in high school (I know they aren't as I was contacted by 5th graders this year) and I'm not sure it would be appropriate to encourage elementary students by having a library presence. Discuss?

Twitter has taken me even longer to embrace. I signed up and then realized, once again, I don't care. Lee LeFever said it helps connect those who want to know about the minutia in your life. I guess I don't have anyone that fits that bill. Maybe once my daughter leaves the house, I'll feel differently. Now, I can see using it in the library. New book updates, commenting on something I just read, a new tech thing, links, projects, invites, etc. I liked the Do's and Don't's list when it stressed Add Content. I think that is the part that turned me off. I don't care who is having coffee right now.

I will add some of the suggested Library/Education Twitters and see if I can change my mind.

I had never heard of backchanneling before and I need to see it in action before I can completely wrap my mind around it. It seems like it would be distracting to me but I'll reserve judgement until I can try it out. I can understand the posing of questions and a facilitator/teacher making sure things are clarified during a presentation but when Joyce Valenza talked about her students going off and researching terms and issues during a speaker, she lost me a bit. Maybe it's because I have trouble reading and listening at the same time! My issue.


VWB said...

Yes it has be great to have FB connection with...I know we could have done some of it in email...and goodness, knows we both know how to dial a telephone, but the fun of FB was an extra!

I personally have decided to use FB for more casual connections....virtually chatting with folks...not TOO much daily minutia,but casual and fun....

I have decided to only follow professional Twitters who are not too much into the minutia but do tweet things from conferences etc. That is I will IF I can ever get to #5

VWB said...

darn it...should have sent you the link when we did one in austin a few weeks ago..we did send the link back home to Houston and had some participation...it is pretty cool...having someone monitor the comments and share them with the presenter is the best use.

it has a place with kids as well...maybe older kids, but we will need to experiment...not as dynamic as skype will be with kids because they love seeing themselves!

Liberry Lady said...

I suggest that when you get to Thing 10 on virtual worlds, you go to a conference on ISTE Island. I went to my first one last night and there was plenty of backchanneling. Plus I didn't need too many skills to park myself in an auditorium seat and listen.