Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #6 - Good touch Bad touch No itouch

I don't have access to itouch and can't currently get to an apple store so I'm skipping this one! For now.

OK, I still haven't touched an itouch but I WANT TO! I've watched tutorials and read 11.5 Things posts about the apps and use with students. I understand there may be elementary issues but I totally see it serving as a point of need resource. Makes me wonder if they'll ever do research in the library again?! Errant question comes up in class, get a kid on the itouch! Forget the dinosaur desktop, don't leave the ActivBoard display to use the teacher laptop, don't wait til later, don't just wonder, use the itouch. My former school has very small classrooms so this would put technology in the hands of more kids per day. I know one teacher who would definitely go gaga over this. More will if the training precedes the use. I assume that only free apps would be downloaded - has the district requisition process caught up to online downloading? What if there's a great, curriculum based app that a school is willing to pay for? Can it be done?

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