Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thing #14 - Technorati

This particular thing has taken a long time. Technorati updated their site so our directions had to be changed but then I found that it still didn't function the way they said it would. Oh well. I get that it is a gateway to find blogs, blogs, blogs. They seem to be doing many other things as well now (photos, videos, popular books, etc) and maybe this made it hard for me to see past it all to the point. OK, I get the point, I guess. It's just all overwhelming.

I did find the thought about tagging your own stuff interesting. Tags are more meaningful for the consumer when made by the consumer. I rarely pay attention to movie ratings and don't get me started on Children's Book Awards but without something to guide us through the masses of stuff, well then, it's just masses of stuff. At this point, I don't see using Technorati personally unless a pressing needs arises to find a blog or blog post on a specific topic, or I find tons of idle time on my hands. The tag cloud widget didn't work for me! Now, raise your hand if you're surprised. Perhaps I can't see the forest for the trees. As with other things, I'll mull it over but I'm moving forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not get the tag cloud to w0rk either...need to go back...think I read where it doesn't work in Blogger???